Are you an accessory?
All too often we are, and we don’t even realise it.
We keep quiet when people are bullied, we don’t interject with the truth even when a lie is swimming in our midst, we don’t fight against things we don’t believe in, we don’t voice our opinion in matters that concern us.
Are you an accessory? Why of course you are! I am too.
And it takes being on the outside looking in to realise.
It takes some serious faith and grace action to come to terms with yourself. Yes, to come to terms with the fact that you could be so much more, do so much more, achieve so much more.
We are accomplices of things we don’t witness to.
You see something completely disgusting happening right next to you, and you keep quiet because “it’s not in my place to say anything”.
We’re too embedded and engrossed in ourselves to notice others. “That’s not true, I notice everything. I’m a very observant person” I can almost hear someone saying. Yes, observant and quiet.
It was not until recently I noticed this flaw within myself and drew the line against it. I was an accessory to crimes I didn’t commit! Crimes such as poverty, lowliness, weakness, anger, hatred and it were happening to people I knew and I didn’t do anything about it. I offered words of encouragement, I sat by them through the tears, even held their hair up whilst all chicken and bacon burger they had for dinner came crashing down into the toilet. Yuck, I know.
What am I getting at? We need to rise up, stand up. It’s not about rioting or rebelling or any of that. It’s having a voice. Taking a stand when something is being said that you don’t like. This is not “stop it, I like it”. No, your stop it means STOP. Your no means no and when you’re not in, you are NOT IN.
Stop giving up your faith, stop agreeing to things that you don’t approve of. Yes, stop being “okay” with them and take a stand. Decide today that you refuse to be an accessory; you are so much more than that. You’re a whole outfit; don’t let anyone make you any less ;)
Till next time,
Peace & love
Thea xx