When it comes to shopping, a lot of us ( including myself ) can't hold ourselves from all the nice clothes and shoes (oh gosh, AND SALESSS). as a result we spend our money buying things on impulse. Then at the end of the year while you're cleaning out your closet for charity, you realise all the "nice" things you bought and never wore.
Here, I list out a couple of things I've been trying out recently and I thought I'd share it with you.
Hope you find it useful and if you do, leave a comment or/and share. Thanks in advance!
- list out all your needs and wants. be brutally honest here, you do NOT need a pair of converses in every colour.
- have a budget. and a very realistic one at that. yes, you can't really spend ALL that money on clothes. what are you going to eat?!
- start saving. duh. you don't want to get to the end of season sales and not have any money left.
- don't put all your eggs in one basket. explore shops, malls and different locations. don't be afraid to get out of your comfort zone; p.s have you tried thrift shops, i heard they have great affordable stuff there!
- keep an eye&ear out for sales. yes, some of the best things DO end up on the sales rack; don't buy it JUST yet.
- shop over a wide range of days/weeks. that way you always have something to look forward to.
- shop according to your priorities. that's right, those pair of jeans would still be there tomorrow.
- DON'T SPLURGE ON ONE ITEM! If you think something is SO good you just MUST have it RIGHT NOW - let the store hold it down for you for a day or two. sleep on it and if you come back and still feel the same way, get it.
- less is more. buy timeless pieces. think ahead of what's trending right now. summer is going to go and you'd only be stuck with vests and crop tops.
- take a GOOD friend with you. emphasis on the good. someone who you can be accountable to about your spending. as well as someone who has a good eye for picking the best things on sale.
and last but not least, i cannot stress this enough
- take your time. don't rush shopping, ever.
till next time,
Thea xx
I'm that good shopping friend BukksBee. We gotta go again soon!