Sunday, 23 August 2015

If I could go back in time...

If you could go back in time what would you change? A lot of people think of the big events they’d like to undo – how they flunked that test (they could’ve studied harder), the death or terminal illness of a loved one, the people who broke their heart (they could’ve avoided that relationship) and many others that most people would consider.


If I could go back in time, I wouldn’t change the big things to be honest. Because those ‘big things' came about because of the little things and so I’d start off with the things people don’t notice or take for granted. The everyday habits, the people I surround myself with, my thoughts towards life … and God. Yes. Believe it or not, but we live in a generation where God is constantly belittled, even ‘tamed’.

‘I’ll take this God thing seriously when I get older/to Uni.’ Have you heard someone say that? I have. I almost wanted to smack them in the hope that perhaps, they’ll get back the sense that they just lost. Almost.

You see, it’s not even what they said that made me upset, so to say. It’s the fact that they don’t even know what they said. They don’t know what it means to ‘Take God seriously’. Because if you knew that taking God seriously involved a life filled with an abundance of grace, love and joy to begin with, everyone would sign up for that. But they didn’t know. The Bible says ‘My people perish for lack of knowledge’  (Hosea 4:6)

Back to the point; if I could go back in time, I’d change the way I looked at God. I wont see Him being so far off, someone that couldn’t relate with what I was going through. Because that’s where our flaw of Jesus comes in. We’ve painted a façade of God such that instead of people wanting to draw close to Him, they’d rather stay distant. Have you heard the phrase ‘Christians are boring’? I have. I almost smacked that person too. Almost. Christians, boring?! “If only you knew… “ I wanted to yell. But I cant go on almost wanting to smack everyone; that’s not what God called us to do. And it’s not like I’m any better to be honest. It’s just that, for each of those comments, I can literally see the ‘old’ me in them and it’s sad.

It’s sad because all God wants to do is have a deep, intimate relationship with you. Me? Yes, you. And me too. And everyone else out there still ‘living’ in sin. God is asking to be your friend, will you let Him?

Will you take Him to love and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, till death (not do you part) join you together again?

If it sounds like marriage vows, that’s because it is. That’s what having God as a friend is about. Yeah, pretty deep huh? And He’s saying those vows to you. So I urge you, dear friend, as you come into the next chapter of your life, take God with you. Have Him to love and to hold, by your side at all times. He’ll be there for you. I promise.

Till next time,

Peace & Love,
Thea xx

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