Saturday, 3 October 2015

The Holy Spirit Challenge (Moderated by @UgoTheGogo)

As with a lot of us, I was one of those who got to know the Holy Spirit much later in my walk with Christ, forgetting that without Him, I couldn’t even have come to Christ. 

You see, it’s easy to take The Holy Spirit for granted, to act like we do everything on our own and are the way we are by our own strength. We forget to acknowledge Him or even remember Him. After all our default human nature is to be selfish and take the glory to ourselves. 

It is not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord Almighty. Zechariah 4:6

My Holy Spirit encounters have come in all shapes and form. One particular one I like are the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit. And my favourite two out of those are wisdom and joy.

(Gift) Wisdom - I’m talking about worldly wisdom and Godly wisdom. Wisdom and knowledge in the revelation of Christ and wisdom in your everyday life. You know those moments when you’re reading a bible verse you’ve heard/read a thousand times but for the first time, it really clicks. You get a new revelation for it and you’re giddy with excitement because you could literally take someone to church and preach about it. Yes, those ones! I live for those ‘Aha!’ , fist-pumping moments. That Godly wisdom when you’re about to do something really silly and you get convicted by the Spirit (I call it a Spirit pinch) and you don’t do it. Days/weeks/months later you see the outcome of what would’ve been if you did do it and you’re telling your friends ’That could’ve been me, BUT GOD!!’ You’re looking up like ‘God, that could’ve only been you that saved me from xxx. Thank you.” Did you know that’s the Holy Spirit saving you from all those mishaps, little everyday crisis and so much more than words could explain? We can all recall those countless times we could’ve died, failed, been stranded, been hurt, even as little as stubbing your toe! But the Holy Spirit is just there with those little insights of wisdom saying ‘Do this, don’t do that. Go here, say this, don’t say that.’ (Isaiah 30:21) Sometimes I just look back, and I’m in awe. Not even of the big things, but those little ones that no one ever sees or knows. Just seeing how those little faith actions pulled you through, or listening to your Spirit over an issue and how it worked in your favour, doesn’t it just make you smile and be filled with gratitude?   

(Fruit) Joy - Someone recently asked me why I was always so bubbly and vibrant. My answer - well the Holy Spirit of course. Check my snapchat at 9am when I’m going to work and you’d see me doing the shoki during my praise session. Come back 9pm and I’m dancing to African praise when taking off my make-up. It wasn’t till I got that question I thought deep and hard as to why I always seemed so happy. Was it because everything was always going fine? No. Was I Bill Gate’s daughter? Nope. Was I faking it? Definitely not. It seemed like I was always happy because I really was filled with joy all the time!
The only reason I can explain my joy in the midst of all the hustles and bustles and highs and lows of life lies in the Holy Spirit. I’m not always happy, but I always have joy. The psalmist says there is fullness of joy in His presence. (Psalm 16:11) Listen to enough gospel songs and you’d know what I’m talking about. And if you’re Nigerian and understand your language and listen to a song in it, then you’ll really know what’s up. Joy that overflows even when the enemy is trying to pull one on ya. Joy that no man can take away or give you. That’s the Holy Spirit right there. No matter what comes, no matter what goes, the joy the Holy Spirit puts in you is second to any other type of feeling. 

I could go on and on but I’ll leave you with this song that describes me every time I get a compliment:
“People dey ask me say, na wetin dey make me shine/smile, I just dey tell den say na Jesus (my Holy Spirit) dey make me shine/smile.”

If you don’t have a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit, I urge you to intentionally seek one with Him. He longs to reveal Himself to you. And guys, He is realer than the realest. 
I hope this has made you think a bit, smile but most of all, have you longing for the Holy Spirit. I pray as you find Him, you will be blessed. God bless you!

  • Bukiie Smart

Saturday, 19 September 2015

Living good, Feeling better

Matthew 6:33-34 NLT 
33 Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. 
34 So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.

Haa! There are so many ways to break these verses down and analyse them. SO much knowledge just from the revelation of them. But I'll just say two:
Firstly, you can get everything you need. (That's right- that house, that car, that dream job, those grades- everything!) on TWO conditions.
1. above all else (above your will, your desires, what people say, what your bank account says, what your teachers say etc) you SEEK GOD FIRST. The amplified version of this verse says to seek means to "aim at and strive after". Strive to know God, so you can be like Him. 
2. You must also live righteously, which means "His way of doing and being right". i.e DOING THINGS GOD'S WAY. Not your way, not the way your lecturer told you, or your parents or friends told you, HIS WAY. Not taking the bible and rewording it for your own good, but taking it at face value- His way of doing and being right. Not what you think is right, not what makes sense to be right, not the world's version of right, but God's way of being right. 
It's one thing to be right, its another thing to be right by God's standards. 

Secondly. STOP WORRYING ABOUT TOMORROW. Sheesh! We worry about everythingggg- what we're having for dinner tomorrow, what our test result will say, what we're going to do, who is going to call us tomorrow, what exam we will have etc. God is telling us the absolute truth right here- today's trouble is literally enough for today, don't worry about tomorrow! You've got enough on your plate for one day; don't start piling it up with tomorrow's meal. Take everyday as it comes, or as my mum says it "when you get to that bridge, you'll find a way to cross it." but FOR NOW, (i.e for TODAY) , let tomorrow worry about itself. 

Take a moment to read between the lines of what I've just said and ponder upon them for a minute. I urge you to try out at least one of them (or all) and make the changes you need to, and watch your life take a toll for the better. 

Till next time,
Peace & love,

Thea xx

Monday, 14 September 2015



Hi guys! Welcome back to Finding Thea.

By popular demand, I have brought my mum back to do the African Parent/ Mum Tag!!

We kept it simple and short because ... we could 💁💁

I hope you enjoy it and please like and share if you do! Subscribe if you haven't already and let me know what videos you'll like to see me to do next. I would appreciate any feedback, suggestions and comment too.


Twitter: @bukiieSmart

Facebook: Bukiie Smart

Looking forward to hearing from y'all! Peace & Love xxxx

Friday, 4 September 2015

Jonathan McReynolds - No Gray (UNPLUGGED)

This song has such a powerful message and probably describes how some of us Christians have felt at some point or the other in our walk with Christ.

Verse 2 really got to me -

"Lord see I've realized
when it comes to sin
You just don't compromise
It's a matter of death and life
Be weak and do wrong
Or be strong and do right
And I don't wanna keep going to church
Singing all about how much You're worth
And then continue doing my dirt
Living as if I didn't care if You're hurt..."

Listen and be blessed.

Till next time,

Peace & love,
Thea xx

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Are you an accessory?

Are you an accessory?

All too often we are, and we don’t even realise it.
We keep quiet when people are bullied, we don’t interject with the truth even when a lie is swimming in our midst, we don’t fight against things we don’t believe in, we don’t voice our opinion in matters that concern us.

Are you an accessory? Why of course you are! I am too. 

And it takes being on the outside looking in to realise. 

It takes some serious faith and grace action to come to terms with yourself. Yes, to come to terms with the fact that you could be so much more, do so much more, achieve so much more. 

We are accomplices of things we don’t witness to. 

You see something completely disgusting happening right next to you, and you keep quiet because “it’s not in my place to say anything”.  

We’re too embedded and engrossed in ourselves to notice others. “That’s not true, I notice everything. I’m a very observant person” I can almost hear someone saying. Yes, observant and quiet. 

It was not until recently I noticed this flaw within myself and drew the line against it. I was an accessory to crimes I didn’t commit! Crimes such as poverty, lowliness, weakness, anger, hatred and it were happening to people I knew and I didn’t do anything about it. I offered words of encouragement, I sat by them through the tears, even held their hair up whilst all chicken and bacon burger they had for dinner came crashing down into the toilet. Yuck, I know.

What am I getting at? We need to rise up, stand up. It’s not about rioting or rebelling or any of that. It’s having a voice. Taking a stand when something is being said that you don’t like. This is not “stop it, I like it”. No, your stop it means STOP. Your no means no and when you’re not in, you are NOT IN. 
Stop giving up your faith, stop agreeing to things that you don’t approve of. Yes, stop being “okay” with them and take a stand. Decide today that you refuse to be an accessory; you are so much more than that. You’re a whole outfit; don’t let anyone make you any less ;)

Till next time, 
Peace & love

Thea xx

Monday, 31 August 2015



Hi everyone! Thanks for joining me again in Finding Thea.

I've recently been learning about the importance of listening and I thought to share it!

Listening is different from hearing. We live in a generation where everyone is so quick to speak, give advice but no one is really listening or paying attention. In this video, I encourage people to take time to really listen. Not just hear when people talk, but really listen.

My mum also popped by to say hi!

I hope you enjoy this video and if you do, please like, share & subscribe.

Also, let me know if there's anything else you'd like me to talk about- relationships, life at uni, God etc. Just hit me up!

Find me & connect with me on:

FaceBook : Bukiie Smart

Twitter: @bukiieSmart

Thursday, 27 August 2015

The Good News

Romans  1: 16 - 17
16 For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is God’s powerful method of bringing all who believe it to heaven. This message was preached first to the Jews alone, but now everyone is invited to come to God in this same way. 17 This Good News tells us that God makes us ready for heaven—makes us right in God’s sight—when we put our faith and trust in Christ to save us. This is accomplished from start to finish by faith. As the Scripture says it, “The man who finds life will find it through trusting God.

Are you ashamed of preaching the gospel? Why should you be? Apostle Paul says the word of God is a powerful method of bringing all who believes in to heaven. Don’t we all want that for our family and friends? Then why are you ashamed? Why does it matter that they’ll judge you or call you names? Your own is to plant the seed, leave the Holy Spirit to water it and it will grow. You are not God; you cannot change their heart. But you can pray that He will.
Your relationships will become healthier once people know and believe in God. It won’t be about fighting everyday or lying because those are not fruits of the Spirit. Sharing the good news is not just for God, it’s for your own benefit too. So that you may have a fruitful, pleasant, abundant life, just as God Himself intended. Just think about that peace that will flow when everyone around you is on the same wavelength of God. You don’t have to read your bible in private or wait till you get to church to pray because all your friends are with you on the same faith. So next time you find yourself struggling to tell that friend more about your love for God, let this verse come to mind and be empowered by it.

Till next time,
Peace & love,

Thea xx

Sunday, 23 August 2015

If I could go back in time...

If you could go back in time what would you change? A lot of people think of the big events they’d like to undo – how they flunked that test (they could’ve studied harder), the death or terminal illness of a loved one, the people who broke their heart (they could’ve avoided that relationship) and many others that most people would consider.


If I could go back in time, I wouldn’t change the big things to be honest. Because those ‘big things' came about because of the little things and so I’d start off with the things people don’t notice or take for granted. The everyday habits, the people I surround myself with, my thoughts towards life … and God. Yes. Believe it or not, but we live in a generation where God is constantly belittled, even ‘tamed’.

‘I’ll take this God thing seriously when I get older/to Uni.’ Have you heard someone say that? I have. I almost wanted to smack them in the hope that perhaps, they’ll get back the sense that they just lost. Almost.

You see, it’s not even what they said that made me upset, so to say. It’s the fact that they don’t even know what they said. They don’t know what it means to ‘Take God seriously’. Because if you knew that taking God seriously involved a life filled with an abundance of grace, love and joy to begin with, everyone would sign up for that. But they didn’t know. The Bible says ‘My people perish for lack of knowledge’  (Hosea 4:6)

Back to the point; if I could go back in time, I’d change the way I looked at God. I wont see Him being so far off, someone that couldn’t relate with what I was going through. Because that’s where our flaw of Jesus comes in. We’ve painted a façade of God such that instead of people wanting to draw close to Him, they’d rather stay distant. Have you heard the phrase ‘Christians are boring’? I have. I almost smacked that person too. Almost. Christians, boring?! “If only you knew… “ I wanted to yell. But I cant go on almost wanting to smack everyone; that’s not what God called us to do. And it’s not like I’m any better to be honest. It’s just that, for each of those comments, I can literally see the ‘old’ me in them and it’s sad.

It’s sad because all God wants to do is have a deep, intimate relationship with you. Me? Yes, you. And me too. And everyone else out there still ‘living’ in sin. God is asking to be your friend, will you let Him?

Will you take Him to love and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, till death (not do you part) join you together again?

If it sounds like marriage vows, that’s because it is. That’s what having God as a friend is about. Yeah, pretty deep huh? And He’s saying those vows to you. So I urge you, dear friend, as you come into the next chapter of your life, take God with you. Have Him to love and to hold, by your side at all times. He’ll be there for you. I promise.

Till next time,

Peace & Love,
Thea xx

Thursday, 20 August 2015


I remember my first year so vividly. I remember the first day, when I moved in. Such high expectations and a smile that was so wide you’d have thought I couldn’t actually close my mouth. I remember writing everything I wanted to do when I got my offer- circling all the bits around campus I wanted to see, all the clubs and societies I wanted to join and all the other cool things I had read about. I wanted to join cheerleading, play tennis, be part of the fashion society, be the ACS (afri-cultural society) president and be a member of every food society. You could say I had dreams. I’d say I had goals- goals I had set for myself carefully and strategically. Do you have goals? Not dreams (though they are pretty similar), but goals that you want to achieve?

Not so long into uni, I had registered into at least 2 clubs, 4 societies and I was already envisioning myself as the ACS president. Uni was fun! Better than what I had heard and thought it would be. Or at least that’s what I thought.

There was only one thing missing and I couldn’t place my hand on it. Have you ever had that feeling? Annoying isn’t it? Something keeps bugging you, it’s in your head somewhere but you don’t know how to say it or get it out, it’s just there.

It took me the whole of first year and then some, to find it and get it out of my head. It was God. 
For over a year I was dilly-dallying in my relationship with God. It was something I knew I wanted; I just didn’t think I wanted it yet. Better still, needed it. But when I got to my second year, I didn’t just want or need God. I desired God. I craved His presence and when I felt it - the blissful, awesome, majestic, holy presence of God - I knew there was nothing in this life compared to that. I literally - in the full sense of the word - hit the jackpot.

I thought uni was fun then. When I met God was when I knew what fun was. You see, people get it wrong - they look for ‘fun’ in all the wrong places and think they know what life is. I know this because I went through it. But here’s the plot twist. Ever heard the phrase ‘It’s only fun till someone gets hurt’? That’s what happened to me; I was hurt and I didn’t even know it. I was hurting my heart, hurting my spirit, but most of all, I hurt God. You’d think a God so sovereign couldn’t be ‘hurt’ by some actions, but that’s where I missed it. God was hurt, deeply. All He wanted from the beginning was for me to realise that He was all I needed. Without realising it, I was looking for ‘God’ in all the wrong places. I knew I wanted something more out of life, but I didn’t know where it was, so I searched. In the clubs and the pubs, but never in the most oblivious place - within me. It wasn’t till I got worn out of partying and I had gone too many times in the same circle that I realised ‘This couldn’t be all there is to life.” I wanted more, and in that ‘more’ was when I quieted everyone else’s voice to listen to mine. A quote I read said ‘You don’t know the value of an anchor, till you’re in the storm.” Another phrase by a ‘Mama Maggie’ says - 
‘Silence is the secret. Silence your heart to listen to your spirit. Silence your spirit to listen to His Spirit. In silence you leave many and be with the One…'
Could you believe that was all it took?

I’d love to share more with you but I think you get the message. And so, I leave you with these parting words and I can only plead that you hold on to them. No matter where you are on your walk with Christ, this is applicable.
• Find God early. I know how much of a difference my life would be if I found God in my first year. (& No, I’m not talking about ‘I-was-born-in-a-Christian-home so I know God) I mean find Him. Search within and find Him. Jer 29:13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Once you get God, you get everything. Matt 6:33 
• Create a friendship with Him. Okay, you’ve found God now what? Start talking to Him about everything. Offload your problems to Him; He is the friend that is ever present and cares deeply about you. He will not betray you and He will never forsake you. 1 Peter 5:7 says Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. ; Psalm 55:22 Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.
• Now you’ve found God and have Him as a friend, what next? Find or build a community of believers. Too often we see Christians easily backsliding into their old ways. To avoid this, (and this is something I’m especially striving towards) mind your associations. You might think you don’t have to do away with your old friends, (and I’m not saying you do). But you do have to know where to draw the line.  You are in the world but not of the world. You might have to give up something to get something but hey, that’s how God works. 
In conclusion, I can’t promise it’ll be easy but I can assure you it’ll be worth it. I wish you a glorious and blissful God-filled year ahead.

Peace & Love,
Thea xx

Saturday, 15 August 2015

18 things I've learnt at 18 ; Part 1

Hey everyone ! Welcome to Finding Thea again. 
I just turned 19 and I thought to look over the past 1 year and share some of the things I have learnt. I hope you like it and find it useful. 
Please like, comment & share. 

And I'd love to hear what you've learnt over the past one year too, no matter how old you are! 

Find me & Connect with me :-)

Twitter - @BukiieSmart
Facebook - Bukiie Smart

Saturday, 8 August 2015

Thanks, I noticed.

To all the people who have helped me start this blog, all the words of encouragement, the support, this is for you.

For listening to me talk about this blog for months, right up till I bought my camera, started writing and editing videos- thanks, I noticed.

For not letting me give up, for not giving up on me, especially in those times i felt like there wasn’t a point anymore - thanks, T noticed.

For praying, endlessly and tirelessly for me, for those bible verses and posts that kept me going strong daily- Thanks, i noticed.

For just being there, sitting without talking while there were no words in my mouth- thanks, I noticed.

For unconditional love, always abounding - thanks, I noticed.

For the late night/early morning calls, hours of staying awake just because I couldn’t sleep - thanks, I noticed.

For your warm smile on a cloudy day, for your big bear hug through ‘Spirit mail’ - thanks, I felt it. and I noticed.

I may not always act like it all the time, or show it but I love you. I truly, honestly, passionately do. 

Saturday, 18 July 2015

About Finding Thea

Who is Thea and Why are we finding her?

Finding Thea is about :
  • sharing my life experiences ( food, fashion/beauty/style, walk with God, relationships, general encouragement with life, uni, friends, family etc )  in the hope that others may relate and learn from it
  • sharing stories and messages that can help people take steps towards finding who they are and what they like
  • helping others find their purpose and aligning it with the word of God 
  • encouraging, inspiring and motivating each other to uplift us when we’re down and keep us inspired in the good times

Thea is you, Thea is me. Thea is someone trying to find her bearing in the world. S/he is discovering or creating his/her self whilst trying to fulfil God's purpose for their life.
Finding Thea is a pool of life experiences. It is a platform to encourage others trying to find their feet or bearing in this world. Be it finding God, their purpose, style etc - Thea is here to inspire thought-provoking stories and messages that would hopefully inspire you.

I will try my best to be realistic and transparent. I will be open and real. I do hope that you could learn from a thing or two and be encouraged on this life journey. I also hope that this truly blesses you in one way or the other. 

Your questions, suggestions and feedback are most welcome. 
If you'd like to personally get in touch, please email me. 


Thea xx

- intro video -

if you have any more questions about me/the blog, do leave me a message and i'd get back to you!

** VIDEOS WILL BE UP EVERY 2 WEEKS SO DO SUBSCRIBE TO BE THE FIRST ONES TO KNOW WHEN THEY COME IN ** (if you have a suggested topic, let me know too!)

till next time,

Thea xxx

Friday, 10 July 2015

How to shop effectively

When it comes to shopping, a lot of us ( including myself ) can't hold ourselves from all the nice clothes and shoes (oh gosh, AND SALESSS). as a result we spend our money buying things on impulse. Then at the end of the year while you're cleaning out your closet for charity, you realise all the "nice" things you bought and never wore.
Here, I list out a couple of things I've been trying out recently and I thought I'd share it with you.
Hope you find it useful and if you do, leave a comment or/and share. Thanks in advance!

- list out all your needs and wants. be brutally honest here, you do NOT need a pair of converses in every colour.
- have a budget. and a very realistic one at that. yes, you can't really spend ALL that money on clothes. what are you going to eat?!
- start saving. duh. you don't want to get to the end of season sales and not have any money left.
- don't put all your eggs in one basket. explore shops, malls and different locations. don't be afraid to get out of your comfort zone; p.s have you tried thrift shops, i heard they have great affordable stuff there!
- keep an eye&ear out for sales. yes, some of the best things DO end up on the sales rack; don't buy it JUST yet.
- shop over a wide range of days/weeks. that way you always have something to look forward to.
- shop according to your priorities. that's right, those pair of jeans would still be there tomorrow.
- DON'T SPLURGE ON ONE ITEM! If you think something is SO good you just MUST have it RIGHT NOW - let the store hold it down for you for a day or two. sleep on it and if you come back and still feel the same way, get it.
- less is more. buy timeless pieces. think ahead of what's trending right now. summer is going to go and you'd only be stuck with vests and crop tops.
- take a GOOD friend with you. emphasis on the good. someone who you can be accountable to about your spending. as well as someone who has a good eye for picking the best things on sale.

and last but not least, i cannot stress this enough
- take your time. don't rush shopping, ever.

till next time,

Thea xx

How to make the most of your summer

When it comes to summer, no one's really thinking ahead. All we're thinking of is having fun and sleeping in. It's a bummer when at the end of summer, you look back only to realise you didn't do all those really cool things you said you would when you got the time.
No worries, that's where I come in!
I've come up with 7 steps to make the most of your summer and I do hope you find it useful.
If you do, leave a comment or/and share it!

1. Have a plan.
What do you want to do this summer? What project do you want to work on? What skills/talents do you want to sharpen?

2. Write it down and place it somewhere you'd always see it.

3. List out the steps you'd need to achieve that/those goal(s).
i.e planning an end of summer party
- make a list of who you want to invite
- see what dates works best with most/every one
- choose a venue. your house? your friends'?
- make a list of what you'll need.
- set a budget

4. Be accountable.
Share this with someone you can confide in.

5. Give yourself a timeline.

6. Start saving!!

7. It's summer, still have fun! But make sure you're keeping a close eye on that/those goal(s).

Till next time,
Peace & Love

Thea xx

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Sorry, not sorry.

“it should be clear that you belong to Jesus Christ appropriately but unapologetically”

Don’t be sorry that you are different. Don’t be sorry that He chose you at a young age. You do not apologise for your “holier than thou” behaviour- your mission in life requires you to be holy. You must be holy as He is holy. 
Don’t be sorry that you would rather a praise night in church than a party night in the club. Don’t apologise for keeping yourself for your husband. You are not to apologise because they can’t touch your body like that. No, you are the princess of the most High and as such must be looked upon and treated like one. Daughter of Zion, do not apologise for your flaws, because your imperfections are of beauty to Him. You belong to Him and no one else. Yes be selfish- be selfish with your faith, be selfish with your salvation, be selfish with your body! Don’t let them accuse you of the right things you do- they are the ones that do evil. Don’t let them sow seeds of doubt in your mind, they do not get to reap the reward of being disobedient, you do. Make it clear who you are. stand your ground when they try to thread over you. You are unapologetic because you are His ambassador. You are unapologetic because all you ever want to do is talk about is Him. You are unapologetic because when the world closes in on you, He remains there. Never changing, never forsaking nor leaving you. 

I am tired of Christians apologising for their behaviour. I am the light of the world and my light must shine. I do not keep quiet when I am asked if I am a child of the most High- I want to scream it for everyone to hear. No, I do not apologise that my light is so bright. No, I do not apologise that I do not act in a way that suits your lifestyle. I most certainly do not apologise for being the princess of the most High, the rose of Sharon, the Lily of the valley, the God of Moses, Jacob and Isaac. the God of Israel. Oba Otito, Oba Ayeraye, The one who was, is and is to come, the awesome God, the creator of heaven and earth, the one who delivered Goliath into the hands of David, the one who turned Saul into Paul and made him one of the greatest prophets of all time. I am not ashamed of my God, I am ashamed of this world. 

*drops mic* 


Live a life worth living

A lot of the time, people go through life rather than grow through life.

Over the years, I have come to embrace life as a friend as such; I treat my life as I would my friend. I take most or all of the corrections from her. Although I get mad at her sometimes and I don't always understand her actions, I still love her the same.
Nothing gets past her and she's one hell of a tough cookie. We’ve had our share of ups and downs but I’m grateful for every experience.


She’s taught me so much. Like how to always put God first in everything because He is my source. Matt 6:33
How to do things on my own and be great at it.
That I can do anything I set my mind to do, through Christ that strengthens me. Phil 4:13

Life has taught me it’s exactly how I lay my bed that I’ll lay on it.

She’s also a real pusher! She keeps pushing me forward and onward reminding me that my journey ahead is still far so I cant give up.


Seems so simple yet so complex she is. But she has helped me figure out, or is helping me figure out myself, and who I really am. For that, I’ll always be grateful that God gave me the most precious gift of all- my life.


Hebrews 11:1 
Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.

Remember the trust game? Where you were asked to be blindfolded and your friend was going to lead you on a journey; or the one where you had your eyes closed and had to fall back into the arms of a friend?
I remember it so vividly in a leadership programme I attended. It was my turn to be blindfolded and I was already shaking within. I didn’t like not knowing what was happening next or what my next step was. I was lost; in the dark. but I felt a familiar hand grasping mine, reminding me that she was there and promising not to let me fall. 
I smiled and relaxed. this was someone I could trust.


We all have it within us- that sense of confidence, reliance, trust. 
Faith. So great inside of us that we boldly reassure our family, loved ones and friends that we’ll see them later. yet so small to move us to make decisions, take the next step or even fall backwards with the assurance that we won’t fall. We recoil, hesitate, stop.

"what if I fall?” 

Hunny, but what if you fly? What are your chances that your fall is your starting point from that flight that makes you soar high, higher than you could ever imagine.

Faith is that little voice in your head always telling you "hang on, I got you, you can do this.” It makes you fearless, giving you a little sense of pride. power, if you may. It’s not in some of us, its in all of us. You ignite the fire, and you leave it to do its work. Shine- bright. Bright enough to put out the darkness. To make you see that clear path ahead of you. To give you hope and that giddy feeling that everything is going well, or would be at least. 
Someone out there is looking for some faith, let yours motivate theirs.

Till next time, 
Peace & love,

Thea xx

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Hey guys!

Welcome to my blog - Finding Thea.
As you may guess (or not) I'm Thea! Which is extracted from my middle name 'Dorothea', pretty cool huh ;)

Thanks for popping in and make sure you stay updated as I'd be posting pictures, videos and messages to inspire you and also to share my life experiences.

Till later, take care.

Peace & Love.
Thea xx