Saturday, 5 March 2016

Learning how to wait: Patience.

Patience is the bridge that carries you from the will of God, to the promises of God. - unknown.


Is a virtue … is among the first few thoughts when you hear the word. 
It’s also one a lot of people (especially me!) roll their eyes to. I’ve been standing in this queue for over 20 mins just to pay for ONE ITEM and some lady is smiling and me and telling me to be patient. 


Yes, be patient. 

We live in a world that is moving faster than the actual world itself orbits. We try to fit 48 hrs in 24, try to do things more quickly and move faster. We live in a ’NOW’ atmosphere. I want my money, and I want it now. I want to pay for my items and I want to do it now. I want to be rich and I want to be rich now.
So much so that we’ve brought this attitude into our relationship with God. I want my blessing and I want it now. God, you promised me this, where is it now? 
We don’t of course get it ‘now', and then we complain. We murmur and grumble and roll our eyes and stomp our feet. Can I get a witness? 
We (I) often forget that:
  1. God DOES NOT work in our own time. We work in His.
  2. God is always, always, yes always, on time. 
  3. God is not limited by time. 
  4. God’s time is the best. Literally. If it was one second after, or a day before it won’t have caused that HUGE testimony or that smile that can’t be wiped off. 

When I think about patience, the most familiar story that comes to mind is the children of Israel with Moses, on their way to the Promise Land. It’s so easy to read that story and judge them. “Can you imagine them complaining after all God had done for them? Imagine them! So ungrateful. Even God had too much patience with them. God provided for them everyday and they never even said thank you. Imagine!”
Yet, the bible says to pick the log in your own eye before the speck of your neighbours. 
When was the last time you said thank you to God? When did you last give a testimony of God’s faithfulness for coming through just in time? All those times you thought you couldn’t go on and yet you’re still here, have you given God praise?
God likes to show off. Have you noticed? He wants to have the last laugh. He wants to have the final say. He wants people to know that He is God, and more importantly that you are not. That He is in control, not your situation or circumstance, but He alone. When He moves, He really moves. When He shows you off, He REALLY shows you off. Haven’t you noticed that God does not do things small? 
So why is it that having knowledge of who God is, all that He has done, is doing and will do for you, it’s hard to wait on Him? Using our definition from above, the children of Israel had the will of God and the promise of God but they lacked patience and so couldn’t see that bridge from the beginning - the will - to the end - the promise. I wonder often, how may times we all have failed to cross that bridge in our lives just because we lacked patience.
We become impatient towards the very thing that He promised us, forgetting that God does not speak without it already being done, God does not start what He hasn’t completed, and God is faithful to His word and can not lie. 
But I’m not telling you things you don’t know, so what’s my point? 
Be, patient. It sounds easy but think about the last time you waited on God … without complaining. Think about the last time, if ever, God promised you something, word and all from your pastor/spiritual mentor, and you didn’t go asking where it was because right ‘NOW’ what He said couldn’t be farther from your reality. Patience is, anything, but not easy. It’s something you WORK at, consistently and diligently. It requires grace, and definitely faith. It requires self-denial. 
It’s like sitting still when you’ve got a full bladder. You REALLY have to go the loo, and it often feels like you would literally pee right where you are if you don’t go, but in all honesty and fact, you won’t. Five more minutes, you would still be living. Would you still need to be pee? Well duh, but can you hold it? Well it’s been five minutes from when you thought you couldn’t so yes, you can. Another five more minutes, okay maybe not.
Likewise being patient. It feels like there’s no hope or way out. If God doesn’t come through, you’ll ‘die’, go ‘broke’, ‘faint’ or any of those ridiculous lies the devil throws at you. 
You see, God says He won’t give you more than you can handle. So honey, if you’re alive reading this, then you can handle it. Five more minutes, you will still be able to handle it. And when you can’t, He literally comes in. He is never late. But He also usually doesn’t come early. He comes Just In Time.
I’ve seen it happen in my life. The day before I was to accept an offer from my insurance university, God gave me an offer to my current university! Dream university. Couple days before I was about to buy my tickets to go back home because I had no summer internship, God gave me an interview and a job on the spot. Best job yet. Day before I said I was going to stop applying to jobs with psychometric tests because I was failing them, Holy Spirit said "apply you’ll pass this one". I applied, and for the first time, I passed my psychometric tests. It’s a trend in God and I’m sure you can think of some examples of your own.

 This is a reminder and a testimony that we serve a Just In Time God. I’ve often heard people say God shows up 'quarter to shame' and when God is all you have, you have all you need. I can personally testify to these truths.
We are more alike to the children of Israel than we know. So I encourage you (and me) to stop judging them and be a bit more patient so we can cross our bridge and get to the promises of God. We need to learn how to wait for God, not complaining or grumbling, or asking questions, but in patience.
Just sit and say “Yes Lord, I will wait on you. And I will do it without complaining.” God honours that. Not everyone can be patient and those words require GREAT FAITH to put into action, which is why it’s a virtue not a lot of people possess. I pray that as you step out in faith and patience, God will reward you. 
I leave you with these wise words for you to ponder upon. 

“ … perseverance must have it’s full work, so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” James 1:4 - Patience is necessary. It MUST have it’s full work.
“ The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” Psalm 23:1 - You will never lack. As long as you have God on your side, you will never ‘want’ for anything. 
“Wait for the Lord, be strong and take heart, and wait for the Lord.” Psalm 27:14 - The bible never repeats words or phrases for fun, so when it does, it’s always emphasising something. Anyone can be strong, but can everyone wait for the Lord?

"God starts at the end… Hold steady at times of testing. God will finish what He has established. He will not lead you where He does not feed you. He will not guide you where He won’t provide. Continue to walk in obedience." - Franco Fotti 

Peace and love,
Thea xx

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