Saturday, 5 March 2016

Learning how to wait: Patience.

Patience is the bridge that carries you from the will of God, to the promises of God. - unknown.


Is a virtue … is among the first few thoughts when you hear the word. 
It’s also one a lot of people (especially me!) roll their eyes to. I’ve been standing in this queue for over 20 mins just to pay for ONE ITEM and some lady is smiling and me and telling me to be patient. 


Yes, be patient. 

We live in a world that is moving faster than the actual world itself orbits. We try to fit 48 hrs in 24, try to do things more quickly and move faster. We live in a ’NOW’ atmosphere. I want my money, and I want it now. I want to pay for my items and I want to do it now. I want to be rich and I want to be rich now.
So much so that we’ve brought this attitude into our relationship with God. I want my blessing and I want it now. God, you promised me this, where is it now? 
We don’t of course get it ‘now', and then we complain. We murmur and grumble and roll our eyes and stomp our feet. Can I get a witness? 
We (I) often forget that:
  1. God DOES NOT work in our own time. We work in His.
  2. God is always, always, yes always, on time. 
  3. God is not limited by time. 
  4. God’s time is the best. Literally. If it was one second after, or a day before it won’t have caused that HUGE testimony or that smile that can’t be wiped off. 

When I think about patience, the most familiar story that comes to mind is the children of Israel with Moses, on their way to the Promise Land. It’s so easy to read that story and judge them. “Can you imagine them complaining after all God had done for them? Imagine them! So ungrateful. Even God had too much patience with them. God provided for them everyday and they never even said thank you. Imagine!”
Yet, the bible says to pick the log in your own eye before the speck of your neighbours. 
When was the last time you said thank you to God? When did you last give a testimony of God’s faithfulness for coming through just in time? All those times you thought you couldn’t go on and yet you’re still here, have you given God praise?
God likes to show off. Have you noticed? He wants to have the last laugh. He wants to have the final say. He wants people to know that He is God, and more importantly that you are not. That He is in control, not your situation or circumstance, but He alone. When He moves, He really moves. When He shows you off, He REALLY shows you off. Haven’t you noticed that God does not do things small? 
So why is it that having knowledge of who God is, all that He has done, is doing and will do for you, it’s hard to wait on Him? Using our definition from above, the children of Israel had the will of God and the promise of God but they lacked patience and so couldn’t see that bridge from the beginning - the will - to the end - the promise. I wonder often, how may times we all have failed to cross that bridge in our lives just because we lacked patience.
We become impatient towards the very thing that He promised us, forgetting that God does not speak without it already being done, God does not start what He hasn’t completed, and God is faithful to His word and can not lie. 
But I’m not telling you things you don’t know, so what’s my point? 
Be, patient. It sounds easy but think about the last time you waited on God … without complaining. Think about the last time, if ever, God promised you something, word and all from your pastor/spiritual mentor, and you didn’t go asking where it was because right ‘NOW’ what He said couldn’t be farther from your reality. Patience is, anything, but not easy. It’s something you WORK at, consistently and diligently. It requires grace, and definitely faith. It requires self-denial. 
It’s like sitting still when you’ve got a full bladder. You REALLY have to go the loo, and it often feels like you would literally pee right where you are if you don’t go, but in all honesty and fact, you won’t. Five more minutes, you would still be living. Would you still need to be pee? Well duh, but can you hold it? Well it’s been five minutes from when you thought you couldn’t so yes, you can. Another five more minutes, okay maybe not.
Likewise being patient. It feels like there’s no hope or way out. If God doesn’t come through, you’ll ‘die’, go ‘broke’, ‘faint’ or any of those ridiculous lies the devil throws at you. 
You see, God says He won’t give you more than you can handle. So honey, if you’re alive reading this, then you can handle it. Five more minutes, you will still be able to handle it. And when you can’t, He literally comes in. He is never late. But He also usually doesn’t come early. He comes Just In Time.
I’ve seen it happen in my life. The day before I was to accept an offer from my insurance university, God gave me an offer to my current university! Dream university. Couple days before I was about to buy my tickets to go back home because I had no summer internship, God gave me an interview and a job on the spot. Best job yet. Day before I said I was going to stop applying to jobs with psychometric tests because I was failing them, Holy Spirit said "apply you’ll pass this one". I applied, and for the first time, I passed my psychometric tests. It’s a trend in God and I’m sure you can think of some examples of your own.

 This is a reminder and a testimony that we serve a Just In Time God. I’ve often heard people say God shows up 'quarter to shame' and when God is all you have, you have all you need. I can personally testify to these truths.
We are more alike to the children of Israel than we know. So I encourage you (and me) to stop judging them and be a bit more patient so we can cross our bridge and get to the promises of God. We need to learn how to wait for God, not complaining or grumbling, or asking questions, but in patience.
Just sit and say “Yes Lord, I will wait on you. And I will do it without complaining.” God honours that. Not everyone can be patient and those words require GREAT FAITH to put into action, which is why it’s a virtue not a lot of people possess. I pray that as you step out in faith and patience, God will reward you. 
I leave you with these wise words for you to ponder upon. 

“ … perseverance must have it’s full work, so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” James 1:4 - Patience is necessary. It MUST have it’s full work.
“ The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” Psalm 23:1 - You will never lack. As long as you have God on your side, you will never ‘want’ for anything. 
“Wait for the Lord, be strong and take heart, and wait for the Lord.” Psalm 27:14 - The bible never repeats words or phrases for fun, so when it does, it’s always emphasising something. Anyone can be strong, but can everyone wait for the Lord?

"God starts at the end… Hold steady at times of testing. God will finish what He has established. He will not lead you where He does not feed you. He will not guide you where He won’t provide. Continue to walk in obedience." - Franco Fotti 

Peace and love,
Thea xx

Sunday, 7 February 2016

Your heart = His worship.

when the music fades, and all is slipped away, and I simply come …

“oh crap, I forgot to lock my room door.”

… I’ll bring you more than a song, for a song in itself…

“did I send that text to xxx? I need to call xxx before I leave church. Hm what else do I need to do?Actually…”

“I’m coming back to the heart of worship, when it’s all about you, it’s all about you Jesus.”

Now hold on for a minute, what did I just sing?
It’s all about who? Your heart is where?

Today, I’ll be sharing something I’ve been learning anew. It’s very familiar and you probably know more than a lot about it - your worship. 

We know it; it’s something we all have been taught from our early days in children’s church to teens church to youth church. Praise and Worship. What I didn’t get taught however, as with a lot of things you don’t get ‘taught’ in church, was THE heart of worship. The root. 

You see, I sat back the other day just humming this song and I began to take particular notice of the lyrics. 
“I’m coming back…” have you strayed from your relationship with God? Have you lost touch? Is your soul down cast and has been for a while? God is telling you, asking you - come back. 
“.. the heart of worship…” is Jesus. The reason we worship is Jesus. Who we worship is Jesus. The heart of worship isn’t the song or the singer, it’s not your hands lifted high or your eyes closed, it’s Jesus. 
Because in the above, I’m pretty sure I had my eyes closed and hands lifted high but somehow my thoughts were still wandering all over the place. I tried to re-focus but really the song was in the background and my thoughts at the forefront of my mind. 
“… it’s all about you Jesus.” Is it really? What is all about Jesus? Your reason for coming to church? Didn’t you just want a reason to dress up and look real good? Or do you not just want your parents to be upset for not going. Do you ACTUALLY GO TO CHURCH BECAUSE IT’S ALL ABOUT JESUS? Because you want more of Him? Because your soul is thirsty and all that can fill it up is Jesus? Because you’ve had a tough week and only God can understand? 
Yes, I too, am hanging my head down just thinking about this. Because obviously, those are reasons why I go to church, but not ALL the ONLY reasons. 

Does that sound familiar to you? If you’re nodding then I’ve got a word for you. 
We often let our mind wander off or drift away when we take out the root of our worship. It’s like with trees. What is a tree without it’s roots? How can it grow? Where would it get its nutrients from?
That’s how it is with worship. How will we get encouraged, receive our word, a prophecy if we take out the heart - the root - of it? How can we grow in our spirit if our heart isn’t there? Where does our thirsty soul feed from? Have you ever just received new revelation from a song you’ve heard in church all your life? Amazing isn’t it? You’re so giddy you could preach a sermon on what you’ve just learnt. 
That’s what you get when you realise the heart of worship. You’re so focused on Him, so expectant, like a giddy 5 year old staying up to see Santa. Your body, mind and soul is on Jesus alone. Your thoughts don’t even have time to wander off because all your attention is on Him. 
Now while all this sounds blissful, I must admit it’s not easy. It’s like trying to understand something you’ve been staring at for 15 mins unsuccessfully. You get so frustrated squinting and re-reading the words you begin to have a headache. When you then take a break and come back refreshed and relaxed, you actually start to understand. 
Same with this. You can shut your eyes real tight and try hard to focus on the song but all that will get you is a headache. 
Here’s what I propose instead. You allow your Spirit to be free and let God take over. Don’t force it, but try to be conscious of it. Sing those songs and mean it. Pay attention to the lyrics and let your spirit become one with the meaning. Then, you get the revelation, you get your word, you get Jesus. Come back to the heart of worship, come back to Jesus.  

Saturday, 16 January 2016


Blame game.

Have you often found yourself in sticky situations and you refuse to absolutely take responsibility of it? You did everything right and it’s not your fault. Right?

And then you start to look for who to blame. A lot of the time, we turn this blame to Jesus.

That’s right. It’s easy to blame a God you cannot ‘see’ or ‘hear’. You think XYZ happened because “God wasn’t there”. Or the all popular one, we blame all our “enemies in the village plotting our downfall.”

It’s 2.43am on a Friday night and I have stumbled on this verse that seems to so perfectly describe us (me, at least) a lot of the time:
1 Pet 4:12 MSG
Friends, when life gets really difficult, don’t jump to the conclusion that God isn’t on the job. 

It’s easy to blame God for a lot of our problems. Consciously or not, we think the reasons we are in our circumstances are because God allowed it to happen.
 I have often heard that phrase the most when death comes around. Nevertheless, it exists even more in our everyday lives - so much so, that we don’t even realise it. Yes nothing passes this earth without God’s knowledge but please, please don’t forget that Satan is the ruler of this earth. 2 Cor 4:4 NLT
We get a bad grade and we think “but God, I prayed so long and hard this morning. How could you have let this happen?!” We offer our services to God and people laugh at us and call us names.
Sometimes, we actually think that maybe, just maybe, God isn’t “on the job”. We think He might be too busy for us or He’s not really with us as He says He is.
Yes we read the bible and see all the promises. Yes we’ve seen some miracles around us, even in our own lives every now and again but it just seems like a facade.
We don’t expect God to do the impossible. It’s all fun and nice to read and talk about it in our bible study group, but when it comes to us and our own lives, it looks like mission impossible. In fact, dare I say, we have even hidden aspects of our lives because we think - again, subconsciously or not - that God can’t do it. Or He won’t do it.
We think that because we face trials and challenges, God isn’t as good to us anymore.
Think about it. You have moments when everything is going great and you’re oh so full of joy. You think “God must be feeling good to be blessing me like this. He is soooo good!”
Then something hits - a loss, a bad grade, some depressing thoughts - and all of a sudden you’re not praying as much anymore or spending time with God. All of a sudden your perfect world isn’t so perfect anymore. And then the thoughts creep in “But God, what did I do? Why are you letting all this happen to me? It’s not fair.”
It’s almost as though you are blaming God for being in that situation. Imagine! The same God that was so good to you yesterday doesn’t seem so good to you anymore? As though God is like a man that changes his ways and feelings.

In the words of Peter, I urge us all to take a moment to consider that verse: Friends, when life gets really difficult, don’t jump to the conclusion that God isn’t on the job.
Why? Because He is God. Simple. And if you know God, you know that He is ALWAYS on the job. God is good and God is God. His ways are not our ways, His thoughts as far as the heavens are from the earth, to ours.
V13 Peter urges us, instead of blaming God and thinking He’s not on the job, “be glad that you are in the very thick of what Christ experienced. This is a spiritual refining process, with glory just around the corner.”
How refreshing! How wonderful and comforting to think that all I ever go through is for spiritual refinement. It’s so that I can grow and be more like Christ. Isn’t that our goal? Isn’t that what our lives are built on? that we may know Him?
“Weeping may endure for the night, but Joy comes in the morning."
Peter ends like this in V19, “So if you find life difficult because you’re doing what God said, take it in stride. Trust Him. He knows what He’s doing and He’ll keep doing it.”
Next time when things don’t go according to plan, don’t be so quick to think that God was ‘against' you. God is always for us and can never be against us. Romans 8:31

Peace and love,
Thea xo

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

New Year, New ... ?

Hey guys, happy new year!

Been a while ey? I've been out doing some soul searching concerning my blog, while trying to come to terms with the fact that I've been having commitment issues with it. (hides face)
But alas, my soul has been found and I am dealing with these "commitment issues" with Abba. 

I've got a great year planned for my blog and by God's grace, I'd be seeing all of them through. So to start with, I wrote this post a couple weeks before the year ended while thinking about my year gone past and the one ahead. I hope you enjoy it and please do leave me suggestions if you have anything you'd like me to share on! 
God bless you. 

Do you ever wonder what your future looks like? Won’t it be so cool if we had foresight into it and so we could tweak our actions, some decisions and maybe ditch a couple of people in our lives because they don’t actually end up helping us. 

So what if you could actually gain foresight into your future, how much are you willing to change your present to align it with your future?
Before you think I’m talking about magic, which I’m not because I don’t believe in it, can I tell you first hand that I can and have seen into my future?

Well isn’t it interesting to know, and it really doesn’t take much to realise, that the oldest book yet the most current, had and has all the past, present and future answers. 
For example, about my past, present and future sins the book says "For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.”
About choosing friends, it says "Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.”
About planning events and making decisions, “Plans go wrong for lack of advice; many advisers bring success.”
About finding wisdom, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”
And so much more answers to the questions we spend days, months and years trying to figure out. 
We complain and get upset over our friends and associates but we wouldn’t have had to if we looked at the book to see our future. To see that if we walk with wise people, we too will become wise but all the pain our ‘friends’ cause us, is because we are with a ‘companion of fools’.
We get frustrated with our failures not realising that if only we ask God for wisdom, we will receive. We fight battles already won and get worn out. For what?
Today, I challenge you. 
What questions about your 2016 are you looking for? 

Is it fighting a battle? Is it being close to God? Is it knowing how to be the head and not the tail and succeed in everything you do? The answers, both what you were looking for, and especially what you weren’t expecting, are found in the only book that’s never outdated yet the oldest book. It knows your name and your story, back to back. It also has people similar to you that have gone through what you’re going through so you can learn from them. So stop wasting time making silly mistakes and blaming your past. Your future was written before you were born so before you panic about what it’s going to be, calm down and discover it in this book. It’s the Bible and I urge you to get more of a grip on it and begin to find solutions to your current, past and any future problems. It is, indeed the book of life and will become your life once you find it.