Matthew 6:33-34 NLT
33 Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
34 So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.
Haa! There are so many ways to break these verses down and analyse them. SO much knowledge just from the revelation of them. But I'll just say two:
Firstly, you can get everything you need. (That's right- that house, that car, that dream job, those grades- everything!) on TWO conditions.
1. above all else (above your will, your desires, what people say, what your bank account says, what your teachers say etc) you SEEK GOD FIRST. The amplified version of this verse says to seek means to "aim at and strive after". Strive to know God, so you can be like Him.
2. You must also live righteously, which means "His way of doing and being right". i.e DOING THINGS GOD'S WAY. Not your way, not the way your lecturer told you, or your parents or friends told you, HIS WAY. Not taking the bible and rewording it for your own good, but taking it at face value- His way of doing and being right. Not what you think is right, not what makes sense to be right, not the world's version of right, but God's way of being right.
It's one thing to be right, its another thing to be right by God's standards.
Secondly. STOP WORRYING ABOUT TOMORROW. Sheesh! We worry about everythingggg- what we're having for dinner tomorrow, what our test result will say, what we're going to do, who is going to call us tomorrow, what exam we will have etc. God is telling us the absolute truth right here- today's trouble is literally enough for today, don't worry about tomorrow! You've got enough on your plate for one day; don't start piling it up with tomorrow's meal. Take everyday as it comes, or as my mum says it "when you get to that bridge, you'll find a way to cross it." but FOR NOW, (i.e for TODAY) , let tomorrow worry about itself.
Take a moment to read between the lines of what I've just said and ponder upon them for a minute. I urge you to try out at least one of them (or all) and make the changes you need to, and watch your life take a toll for the better.
Till next time,
Peace & love,
Thea xx