Saturday, 27 June 2015

Sorry, not sorry.

“it should be clear that you belong to Jesus Christ appropriately but unapologetically”

Don’t be sorry that you are different. Don’t be sorry that He chose you at a young age. You do not apologise for your “holier than thou” behaviour- your mission in life requires you to be holy. You must be holy as He is holy. 
Don’t be sorry that you would rather a praise night in church than a party night in the club. Don’t apologise for keeping yourself for your husband. You are not to apologise because they can’t touch your body like that. No, you are the princess of the most High and as such must be looked upon and treated like one. Daughter of Zion, do not apologise for your flaws, because your imperfections are of beauty to Him. You belong to Him and no one else. Yes be selfish- be selfish with your faith, be selfish with your salvation, be selfish with your body! Don’t let them accuse you of the right things you do- they are the ones that do evil. Don’t let them sow seeds of doubt in your mind, they do not get to reap the reward of being disobedient, you do. Make it clear who you are. stand your ground when they try to thread over you. You are unapologetic because you are His ambassador. You are unapologetic because all you ever want to do is talk about is Him. You are unapologetic because when the world closes in on you, He remains there. Never changing, never forsaking nor leaving you. 

I am tired of Christians apologising for their behaviour. I am the light of the world and my light must shine. I do not keep quiet when I am asked if I am a child of the most High- I want to scream it for everyone to hear. No, I do not apologise that my light is so bright. No, I do not apologise that I do not act in a way that suits your lifestyle. I most certainly do not apologise for being the princess of the most High, the rose of Sharon, the Lily of the valley, the God of Moses, Jacob and Isaac. the God of Israel. Oba Otito, Oba Ayeraye, The one who was, is and is to come, the awesome God, the creator of heaven and earth, the one who delivered Goliath into the hands of David, the one who turned Saul into Paul and made him one of the greatest prophets of all time. I am not ashamed of my God, I am ashamed of this world. 

*drops mic* 


Live a life worth living

A lot of the time, people go through life rather than grow through life.

Over the years, I have come to embrace life as a friend as such; I treat my life as I would my friend. I take most or all of the corrections from her. Although I get mad at her sometimes and I don't always understand her actions, I still love her the same.
Nothing gets past her and she's one hell of a tough cookie. We’ve had our share of ups and downs but I’m grateful for every experience.


She’s taught me so much. Like how to always put God first in everything because He is my source. Matt 6:33
How to do things on my own and be great at it.
That I can do anything I set my mind to do, through Christ that strengthens me. Phil 4:13

Life has taught me it’s exactly how I lay my bed that I’ll lay on it.

She’s also a real pusher! She keeps pushing me forward and onward reminding me that my journey ahead is still far so I cant give up.


Seems so simple yet so complex she is. But she has helped me figure out, or is helping me figure out myself, and who I really am. For that, I’ll always be grateful that God gave me the most precious gift of all- my life.


Hebrews 11:1 
Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.

Remember the trust game? Where you were asked to be blindfolded and your friend was going to lead you on a journey; or the one where you had your eyes closed and had to fall back into the arms of a friend?
I remember it so vividly in a leadership programme I attended. It was my turn to be blindfolded and I was already shaking within. I didn’t like not knowing what was happening next or what my next step was. I was lost; in the dark. but I felt a familiar hand grasping mine, reminding me that she was there and promising not to let me fall. 
I smiled and relaxed. this was someone I could trust.


We all have it within us- that sense of confidence, reliance, trust. 
Faith. So great inside of us that we boldly reassure our family, loved ones and friends that we’ll see them later. yet so small to move us to make decisions, take the next step or even fall backwards with the assurance that we won’t fall. We recoil, hesitate, stop.

"what if I fall?” 

Hunny, but what if you fly? What are your chances that your fall is your starting point from that flight that makes you soar high, higher than you could ever imagine.

Faith is that little voice in your head always telling you "hang on, I got you, you can do this.” It makes you fearless, giving you a little sense of pride. power, if you may. It’s not in some of us, its in all of us. You ignite the fire, and you leave it to do its work. Shine- bright. Bright enough to put out the darkness. To make you see that clear path ahead of you. To give you hope and that giddy feeling that everything is going well, or would be at least. 
Someone out there is looking for some faith, let yours motivate theirs.

Till next time, 
Peace & love,

Thea xx

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Hey guys!

Welcome to my blog - Finding Thea.
As you may guess (or not) I'm Thea! Which is extracted from my middle name 'Dorothea', pretty cool huh ;)

Thanks for popping in and make sure you stay updated as I'd be posting pictures, videos and messages to inspire you and also to share my life experiences.

Till later, take care.

Peace & Love.
Thea xx